Why Do Winter Weather Injuries Hurt So Much?

Winters are a fantastic time of year for warmth, comfort, and a sense of belonging. It’s also the most trendy season of the year, causing us to appreciate everything as long as it’s warm. It’s hard to keep track of the wonderful season as the days get a little shorter and a bit chilly.

As the days become colder and windier, winter injuries become more painful. So, why do we feel so much agony even if the wound is only a scratch?

  • The blood arteries in your arms, neck, and shoulders tighten when your nervous system delivers impulses to your muscles. This helps to keep your core body temperature stable by reducing heat loss from your limbs. To avoid heat loss, your muscles are often retained in a tense position for an extended period. This state makes you more sensitive to pain.
  • The body attempts to save heat by sending more blood to the heart and lungs, which are located in the core of the body. As a result, blood vessels in other portions of our bodies, such as our arms, legs, knee joints, and shoulders, constrict, causing those areas to stiffen as a result of the reduced blood flow.
  • We’re also less active in the winter, which contributes to stiffness and makes it difficult to execute quick, precise movements like texting. Stiffness can also cause discomfort and agony, particularly in the elderly, those who have had an injury, or those who suffer from joint pain daily.
  • Our skin loses its natural barrier as a result of the strong winter winds, making it dry and more prone to scratching than when it is soft and moisturised.
  • The barometric pressure drops as a result of the cold. Many arthritis sufferers feel that cold temperatures and low barometric pressure increase their symptoms, which include joint stiffness, pain, and swelling.
  • Joint stiffness is influenced by your mind as well. Your mind rejects the need to exercise again since your body has had the experience of trying to exercise in the cold with this kind of stiffness. Your mind reminds your body of the agony you felt every time you attempted to walk when stiff. As a result, you either avoid moving at all or continue to move in inefficient ways.
  • Vitamin D deficiency is caused by a lack of sunlight on our skin throughout the winter, which causes our vitamin D levels to decrease. Low vitamin D levels cause chronic pain, and as a result, sub-clinical pain associated with accidents is worsened.
  • This other reason only applies when there is frost. When a few crystals penetrate the skin, they cause a partial icing of the cell fluids, which are mostly water. This occurs when a mechanical stimulus is struck by anything, causing crystals to break down, resulting in glass breaking under one’s hand. Due to identical impulses inside the cell with crystals, the latter is genuinely painful, as is the former.

The chill in the air has a way of creeping up on you, especially in things you don’t usually notice. You’ll have less pain this winter if you keep yourself moisturised, hydrated, and thoroughly protected from the weather.

Take advantage of the season, but be cautious.

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