I Got Jabbed with my Second Dose of Covaxin Today, Here are my Thoughts?

The DELTA variant has spanned the misery of the Indian people with the worst plausible outcomes. The only way to fight the common Enemy the world is facing is through receiving two shots of Vaccine. 

In India, 196 million doses of the COVID vaccination have been administered. More than 42 million people have been fully immunised after receiving two doses of the vaccine. 

So, to prevent and develop an immunity to fight SARS-COV-2, I successfully got jabbed with my second shot of COVAXIN today. 

This time the line was short to the Vaccination centre but the scornful sun, humidity and late initiation of the vaccination process did some damage. 

The fact that ‘We The People of India’ were standing in the line for hours and VIP people come in between and got their vaccine shots in a jiffy, really makes us furious. 

This time the syringe didn’t hurt. Although, I am having a moment of dilemma regarding Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin:

  • The efficiency of COVAXIN as per Phase 3 trials is 81 per cent. 
  • It has not got approval from the World Health Organization’s (WHO) for Emergency Use Listing (EUL) yet.
  • The immunity kicks in two weeks after receiving the second dose. 
  • The fact that COVISHIELD has a 91 per cent efficiency rate makes me wonder, should I have got it other than COVAXIN?
  • Even Sputnik V, makes me wonder, as it has 91.6 per cent effectiveness.

Soon, I will have sore arms, fever, headaches and more, as the after-effects of the COVAXIN vaccine.

More Important Thing: After two doses of Covaxin or Covishield, the probability of acquiring COVID is extremely low. According to research, 0.03 per cent of participants contracted COVID after receiving their second dosage of Covishield, while 0.04 per cent tested positive after receiving their second dosage of Covaxin.

So, guys, don’t put it off any longer; get your vaccine shots as soon as possible. At the very least, battle the enemy and don’t give up.

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