Labour Day 2021: History and Significance of the Day

A day to celebrate the Labour that built up this great land. A day observed to honour the efforts of labourers and working class in India and around the world. The day gives a boost to the dignity of the workers and labourers by giving them a spirit of respect and gratefulness.

As we honour Labor Day, we acknowledge the men and women who strived tirelessly for workers’ rights by honouring workers and their contribution to society. A day to savour the fruits of your hard work and toil.

History: In the 19th Century, the Labour class was exploited and forced to work for 15 hours with no proper leaves, wages and breaks. All this led to the 1886 Haymarket Incident in Chicago where labour union workers went on a peaceful strike. 

Soon, it turned into a riot after someone fired a bomb at the police. Due to this, eight people died while some were arrested leading to death sentences and life imprisonments. For Centuries, Haymarket Demonstrators and Leaders have been martyrs and heroes for labour leaders, leftist activists and artists for their struggles for workers rights.

In 1889, the Marxist International Socialist Congress adopted a comprehensive worldwide demonstration resolution, demanding workers to not work for more than 8 hours a day. Since then, internationally May 1st is celebrated as Labour Day. 

Significance in India: Labour Day was first celebrated in India in 1923 in Chennai by the Labour Kisan Party of Hindustan. Since, then Labour day is observed as a National Holiday, also known as Kamgar Din, Kamgar Divas and Antrarashtriya Shramik Divas. 

On International Labour day, Labourers and Radicals come together to work towards the objective of increasing wages and enhancing the working conditions of the labour force. 

Never forget: “There is no substitute for work, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice.”

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