What exactly is Doomscrolling?

The internet has become more of a bad place than good. We laugh, cry, earn money, and talk to our loved ones but mostly, it is a place where negative thoughts get sprouted and become worse. We are all completely engulfed by the internet to the point of doomscrolling (obsessive urge to scroll through negative news).

We all know that seeking news and information during an emergency is totally reasonable, as it is part of our survival strategy to remain vigilant to danger (Doomscrolling). Whether it’s COVID’s growing cases, monkeypox, the Ukraine-Russia War, or confronting our inner demons, we’re surrounded by bad news.

Finding solace in the tidbits of life is all we need to do and so, here are ways we can optimize the habit of doomscrolling:

  • During times of trouble, turning off the news may not be such a good idea.
  • You don’t have to respond to everything you see on the internet.
  • Don’t let bad news influence your interactions with others.
  • You can even put a time limit on how much time you spend using your smartphone.

Here’s how to put a stop to the things that contributed to your doomscrolling habit:

  • Choose how much time you want to spend reading the news.
  • You are the user, and you have the power to decide what you want to learn about, which is known as confirmation bias. So, look for news that confirms our existing beliefs and be conscious of what you do not like reading.
  • It’s good to gather information about news that interests you but always double-check the source before believing it.
  • Polarized thinking refers to the tendency to see things in black and white rather than acknowledging that we live in a world of many shades of grey. As a result, selecting and consuming materials that represent a variety of viewpoints may help.
  • Negativity bias describes how many of us are drawn to negative information. As a result, we must seek out positive news items to counterbalance our experience of remaining current.

Note: The doomscrolling habit has a negative influence on mental health, causing and exacerbating anxiety, stress, depression, panic, and fast affecting one’s mental and neurological health.

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