Twitter shows J&K and Ladakh as Independent from India

The Twitter vs Modi administration brawl continues unabated. Twitter now and then defies the rules and regulations set by the Central government.

  • First, it refused to follow Indian IT rules and imposed its own rules.
  • Then, for DMCA copyright breaches, it suspended IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad’s account.
  • But all hell went loose when Twitter showed Indian Map in which J&K has been shown as an independent country and Ladakh has been shown in China. 

What is the Matter?

On Twitter’s Tweep Life section, a user recognised the incorrect Map with Jammu & Kashmir as an independent country and Ladakh as part of China. Later, Twitter apologised for displaying Ladakh in China, which has been deemed treasonous under the Constitution.

What’s the Constitution of India says on this?

The wrong depiction of the Indian Map amounts to 7 years imprisonment and a 100 crore fine. As per Geospatial Information Regulation Bill, 2016, No person shall depict, disseminate, publish or distribute any wrong or false topographic information of India including International Boundaries through Internet platforms or online services or in any electronic or physical form.

FIR against Twitter India MD Manish Maheshwari has been registered for showing Indian land as Pakistani and Chinese territory on their website. Interestingly this had have happened before in November 2020 by Twitter, which resulted in Twitter Inc’s Chief Privacy Officer Damien Karein apologising to India’s parliamentary panel. 

Many Similar Incidents around the World:

  • Pakistan has imposed 5 years of jail and 3 million fines for wrongful representation of their Map.
  • Dior once used China Map without Including Taiwan, but after backlash, apologized. 

Countries who have banned Twitter:

  • China (2009)
  • Egypt (2011)
  • Turkey (2014)
  • North Korea (2016)
  • Nigeria (2021)
  • Myanmar has been planning on banning Twitter & Instagram.

The Future of Twitter in India?

The constant mishaps done by Twitter is bringing it one step closer to being shut down. Blocking accounts and then hurting the Indian people’s feelings by presenting the incorrect map is unjust and should not be overlooked. The inaccurately depicted locations have been the subject of several conflicts that have claimed the lives of thousands of Indian soldiers.

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