My experience as a JOURNALISM student

My days as a Journalism Student is going okay.

I mean, they provide us with guest lecturers every day. They are really very inspiring and educational. They inform us and try to show us the importance of creativity and keeping up with news. Then the ASK session starts, which honestly, is very annoying. We don’t know what to ask other than

 EXHIBIT A- What are the differences between PR and ADVERTISING?


We are getting creative and learning DIYs activities. We are given a topic for e.g., Prepare a story from 5 pictures or do a debate?

The hard part is, it is very difficult to work in a group as everyone wants their ideas to be heard. At last, everyone has to put their egos aside and decide on something together. The problem that arises is of who will be in command of the group or who will represent us all.

Let’s come to me,
                            It is really hard for me to stay creative or should I say, I am losing all of my creativeness. I really get spaced out by the moment they ask me anything during any interactive sessions.

So, I have a long way to go. I have a lot to learn from my teachers and classmates. It’s something new for me, so, getting my morale down is natural and a trait of being a total idiot.

It’s been only 6 days. So, I will get the hang of it.

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