Is it Vital to Chew your Food?

We all have heard our mom say, Chew your food while eating, like hundred and thousands of times. And like every other thing said by my mother, I ignore her. Why? Because she has said some of the weirdest things that will happen to me if I didn’t do something. For eg: If you don’t eat at night, a bear will come and rip your stomach off. So, obviously, I thought this to be just another made-up thing that she said to make me eat slowly and as humanly possible. 

But this one is true my dear folks, here are the reasons why we all must chew our food before gulping it down our throats like it is a rock:

  • Chewing properly allows you to absorb more nutrients and energy from your food.
  • The simple act of chewing food in your mouth aids with weight management. The breaking down of larger food particles into tiny pieces reduces stress on the oesophagus and thus, aids the stomach in metabolising your food.
  • When you chew food completely, you produce a lot of saliva, which contains digestive enzymes. The release of these enzymes into the throat and stomach helps in the digestion process. Chewing your food thoroughly helps aid digestion and nutritional absorption
  • Chewing is an important first stage of Digestion. Chewing breaks down food into small enough pieces for the stomach’s gastric fluids to further break down and decrease it to microscopic size.
  • Chewing food has been demonstrated to enhance saliva flow, lowering plaque acid, strengthen teeth, and prevent tooth decay. Crunchy, firm meals with a high water content are excellent natural teeth cleansers because they increase the flow of saliva, which aids in the removal of food particles and bacteria. This also leads to caries and gingivitis prevention.
  • Chewing increases the amount of blood flowing into the brain and activates the brain, enhancing children’s intelligence and avoiding adult memory loss.
  • Chewing food reduces the number of bacteria in your intestines

Note: A diet deficient in a variety of whole foods can lead to a reduction of gut flora diversity. This could have a lot of serious health consequences.

  • Chewing your meal properly instils the habit of enjoying it. This, in turn, fosters a positive attitude toward food.
  • Chewing aids digestion and helps to prevent overeating. It also stimulates the stomach and intestinal processes.
  • Using the muscles around the mouth will help the jaw expand, helping you to pronounce words more clearly and make your face more expressive.

Try these:

  • Chew your food approximately 32 times per bite.
  • Chew until your meal has dissolved or lost all of its texture.
  • Before taking another piece of food, finish chewing and swallowing entirely.
  • Wait to consume fluids until you’ve swallowed. Avoid drinking liquids 15 minutes before or after any meal.
  • Eat while Sitting might help you relax and digest.
  • If you have food in your mouth, you should not drink. The meal reduces and becomes simpler to swallow when you chew completely.

When you chew your meal insufficiently, the remainder of your digestive system becomes confused. Your body may not manufacture enough enzymes to completely digest your food. This could result in digestive issues such as bloating.

Remember that chewing is the first step in the digestion process. Not while the food is still in your stomach.

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