A Healthy Lifestyle and Protein Consumption that affects Quality of Life (QOL)

Living a disease-free existence is difficult enough. Before the outbreak of the pandemic, mental health issues including anxiety and depression were generally ignored.

Since Covid, these problems have been observed in broad parts of the public, causing us to focus on more than simply the physical component of health. A person with a healthy BMI who is plagued with loneliness and low self-esteem is not a healthy person.

Physical Activity has been suggested as one strategy to improve quality of life. Physical exercise causes changes in the brain’s neurotransmitters that are linked to sadness, anxiety, and sleep problems, reducing the likelihood of these issues.

1. Immunity Booster: Amino acids in proteins are responsible for the body’s defence systems, antibodies, enzymes, and hormones, among other things. Arginine, glutamine, and branched-chain amino acids are essential amino acids that play a key role in immunity (BCAA). Leucocytes, cytokines, and phagocytes are immune cells that are sustained by protein and keep the body disease-free.

2. Preserves and increases muscle mass: Muscle mass development begins at a young age. Adequate and high-quality protein consumption in adulthood helps to preserve the muscle mass that we lose as we age. Proteins help maintain muscle mass while we’re at rest and help us gain muscle mass when we exercise.

3. Helps with weight management: Getting enough protein gives you a feeling of fullness, which prevents overeating and thus the risk of obesity. Excess weight makes it difficult to exercise, and exercise is required to lose weight. Furthermore, coronavirus is particularly harmful to those who are overweight, especially those who are younger, increasing the risk of complications and disability.

4. Improves mood: Physical activity is one of the most effective and underutilized antidepressants available, and it is also free. To build and maintain muscle mass, you must consume enough protein regularly.

5. Low protein diets are typically the source of easy fatigability and weak muscles, resulting in aches and pains, as well as poor injury recovery.

Protein is found in dairy and its products, soy, egg, chicken, fish, all dals, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Sprouting legume chaat, chana cutlets, soy kabab, tofu or cottage cheese tikka, smoothies with nuts and seeds, and egg preparations are all good protein-rich snack alternatives.

Snacks require our attention as well. There has been a 66 per cent rise in snacking, with midnight snacking becoming more popular as processed, unhealthy meals are consumed more often. 

Boredom and stress have led to a rise in ‘emotional eating,’ particularly of sugary and fatty ‘comfort foods.’

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