I Got Waxed with Covaxin, Here’s my Experience?

The Covid 19 cases surge has led to people begging for the lives of their beloved ones. The only possible way besides taking precautions is a vaccine.

Vaccination for 18+ Adults has begun and the state governments are providing them free of cost. Yesterday, I received my first Covaxin shot that has resulted in fever, body pains, restlessness, headaches and more. I am feeling all those emotions while writing this blog. 

You know, the Vaccine might not be the sole reason for my exhaustion and the symptoms but the fact that at the Vaccination Center we stood in the scorching sun for more than 2 hours. 

The fact that the slot they give you of 9 to 11 is just bogus. Don’t go on time or suffer like me and others under the burning sun. However, once our chance came, we were vaccinated in seconds and told to wait on the chairs for 10 minutes for after effects, so that we don’t faint. As you can see in the picture, I felt the pain of the injection shot.

Coming home, I was curious to know what symptoms will I have as it shows how strong my immunity is. Remember this is redundant, almost 80 per cent of people have had those symptoms. So, no need to be a Curious George, just rest and enjoy your days off. Kindly take the necessary medicines as Covaxin is more dangerous than Covishield because it has inactivated Corona Virus.

I have heard people saying that even after Vaccine, they had COVID-19, which worries me more. I just hope all these trials and suffering doesn’t go to waste if in any case, I contract COVID-19.

I would request all to be not scared of the Vaccine after effects. Don’t forget, as a baby, we have been immunized with vaccines for Hepatitis B (HepB), Polio (IPV), Pneumococcal disease (PCV13), Rotavirus (RV) and more. These vaccines leave us with fever and other symptoms. So, take it this way, the way for the Vaccines to fight the diseases is by making you sick first.

I will receive my second Covaxin shot on June 5th, which will make me 80 per cent immune from COVID-19 attacks.

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