What your Spirit Animal symbolizes?

What your Spirit Animal symbolizes?

Life is all about unpredictable incidents that shape, mould, or destroy one’s ability to perceive how everything unfolds. Thus, living itself sometimes feels like dying every day and waking up to go through it all over again, just like a phoenix. Humans are the only species that works for a living, and so, we all identify ourselves with animals that best describe our characteristics, habits, quirks, or moods.

The animals you describe yourself with most say a lot, and we have often seen animals in Movies/ TV shows/ Songs/ Theators/ Stories/ Poems used as a representation of emotions the characters are feeling or the story presentation. So, below are some of the uncommon animals and what they represent for you to understand more about what they symbolize:

  • Crows: They are the most common birds that have the best survival instincts among all of their species. In the modern world, they have become a part of anime culture representing strength, recklessness, evolution, wisdom and cunningness. They symbolize both negative and positive aspects of life and death. They are mostly related to bad omens like bad luck or misfortune, but they also exhibit change or new beginnings.
  • Pandas: They are the most chilled-out mammal in the animal kingdom. In the modern world, they represent comfort and leisure and are loved by all for being oblivious to the world while being happy and eating food and sleeping without a care in the world. However, they symbolize peace, friendship and a balance of yin and yang (good and bad).
  • Sloths: They are the slowest mammals, and survival is the biggest mystery among all the species. In the modern world, they seem similar to pandas but are known for being slow with solidarity. They symbolize patience and minimal living. They may have a slow lifestyle but they have good survival skills and attack with their sharp teeth and claws when disturbed. Sloth (Habit, not the animal) is considered among the seven deadly sins of humans. So, relax and pause but work towards your goal.
  • Owls: They are known as night creatures with the affinity of being undetectably quiet. They are known for their wisdom, knowledge and instinct. Today, they symbolize change, vigilance and reading between the lines (hidden knowledge). They are the epitome of mystery and freedom.
  • Beavers: The rodents are known for their resourcefulness and require hard work to accomplish their goals. They symbolize perseverance, creativity and harmony and this is the reason why they are known as the National Animal of Canada. Today, they are the symbol of environmental safeguard and adaptability along with task-oriented and time-oriented motivation. They are known for their communication skills and diplomatic behaviour.

The above are uncommon spirit animals which say a lot about a person. Which animal would you like to know about next.

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