Mind-sets regarding Jobs these days

We are living in an era in which 90% of the youth is facing the JOB Crisis. The jobs are there, but no one is getting hired. The vacancies before coming into the market are taken by the employees or their references.

The job has become a cut-throat competition. The better you perform than others increases the possibility of you getting hired. The thing which makes lakhs of students suffer is “EXPERIENCE”. When recruiters ask where you have worked earlier and if you did, why you left that job. It’s like you are applying for the position of Prime Minister of India as they start shooting 5Ws (Why, What, Whom, When, Where) and H (How) at you.

If you have been successful in dodging those questions, the place where you’ll get stuck, actually where I get stuck is at SALARY Expectation. What do they expect, cheap labor in which they will get effective and efficient work done? No, I don’t believe in lowering down by expectations if you have the knowledge, experience and the ability to work smart.

People around me keep telling me to take any job as long as they are paying you. But I disagree as I think you should never work under the false impression of getting your salary increased + why you should work in less if you’re doing your job well + never settle for just anything.

I know, this calls for real patience but always remember, ‘All Good Things Come to those who wait’. Look there is nothing like a Dream Job, every job is depressing and stressing, so if you want to kill yourself at least get well paid with giving yourself treats in between.

Now everyone is running after MONEY and the definition of a successful career has been defined by how much you earn. People are nowadays like – “I thought I wanted a career but turns out I wanted paychecks”.

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